
El compañero Fidel
riflexionó que constituye «un monstruoso crimen [exterminar] en la madrugada [a] hombres y mujeres que, casi sin excepción, dormían». A más de pasar impúdicamente por alto que unos y otras eran narco-guerrilleros terroristas enfrentados a muerte contra el gobierno colombiano, Castro olvidó que él mismo escogió igual oportunidad (de madrugada, mientras sus enemigos dormían casi sin excepción) para atacar el cuartel Moncada. ¿Estará perdiendo la noción de la guerra? Entretanto el «economista» Rafael Correa se acordó de que la soberanía ecuatoriana es inviolable al incursionar en su territorio fuerzas armadas colombianas, que dieron caza a la banda narco-guerrillera de «Raúl Reyes». Esta última no solo había cruzado mucho antes la frontera, que Correa no vaciló en calificar de «porosa», sino que también acampaba alegremente en Ecuador.
Foto: Cómo quedó el compañero terrorista Raúl Reyes
23 comentarios:
NO es lo mismo.
Es lo mismo: aprovechar cualquier ventaja para liquidar al enemigo y evitar que éste te liquide a ti. Esa es la lógica de la guerra desde que el hombre es homo sapiens. Que unos vengan con escopetas recortadas y otras con bombas láser es solo cuestión de técnica, pero la lógica es la misma.
Castro, Chávez y Correa querían que las tropas de Uribe despertaran a Reyes y en vez de tirarla bombas lo invitaran a fajarse a los piñazos con un comando de igual peso y estatura. Es la confusión entre guerra y deporte.
Coño, creo que Reyes se ganó los galones mordiendo...
Por lo menos nunca vi a un tipo tan parecido al hombre-lobo.
!!!Que barbaridad!!!...miren como le han puesto la cara a ese hombre.....(ni en el Salon Rosado de la Tropical maltrataban asi a la gente)
Ya Marulanda ha pedido asesoria a Chavez y este con su "clasico ingenio" le ha aconsejado que la solucion para que no le "pasen la cuenta" es......!!!! no dormir !!!!, ya que los helicopteros solo atacan cuando la gente duerme, mientras no duerma estara a salvo. Dicen que Marulanda hace tres dias no duerme y sustituyo su toallita color "amarilo churre" por una discman donde escucha constantemente el ultimo CD de "Sissy"......(solo asi logra evitar el sueño).
Suerte Maru.......con el CD de Sissy.
Mas fotos de Raul Reyes en
Video del ataque en
Documentos y correos electrónicos ocupados en el computador de Raúl Reyes:
Gracias "Yabazon."
Paul Benavides and Mambi Watch Unmasked
Response to "Paul Benavides":
Thank you for your contentious viewpoint. My massive website was created mostly by my student assistants. You seem to have developed a rather pathetic fixation with me ever since I previously posted on your blog that your constant monitoring of Cuban exile radio, TV, and print media is similar to the work done by Cuban intelligence agents for decades. I e-mailed you my phone number so that we could chat and I would attempt to understand your motivations for blogging anonymously, the causes of your obsession, and ascertain if you were linked to Cuban espionage in Miami. The person who answered my e-mail wrote:
"My name is Paul Benavides. I was born in Peru in 1979 and my family came to Miami in 1982 when I was still 2 years old. Those first years were very difficult for my family, but would have been worse if not for the help and care of many Cuban families that provided work for my mother and father. My mother cleaned their houses, my father cut their grass. I grew up among their children, despite the obvious differences where I had few toys or a small house."
"I'm a graduate from Coral Gables Elementary, Coral Gables Senior High and Florida International University. No different than many others from where I live. But, very different from my family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins) that we left in Peru, and did not have those opportunities and still don't."
I detected an inferiority complex and underlying resentment toward successful Cuban Americans in that message. It could be the source of deeper psychological problems. I later received a telephone call from someone identifying themselves as "Paul Benavides," who claimed to be the sole author of the Mambi Watch blog, and stated that he was calling from his parent’s home. A Google search of the phone number indicated that it was registered to the apartment of Paula Cari at 2496 S.W. 17 Ave., Miami. Benavides added that he received an undergraduate degree in journalism from FIU in 2004 and was now pursuing a second undergraduate degree in psychology. This is a sign of a confused underachiever, lacking vision, and easily distracted by frivolous pursuits. I suggested to "Paul Benavides," that he should blog under his own name, if he is who he alleges to be. Mr. "Benavides" claimed that he preferred to continue blogging anonymously, because he feared retaliation against his future career plans from his political adversaries. I assured him that his leftist perspective and anti-Cuban American sentiments would be no problem for him in academia. Now that Paul Benavides and Mambi Watch have been unmasked on the Internet, I suggest that if you are the real "Paul Benavides," stop lurking in the shadows, demonstrate maturity, and assume responsibility for your writings. Otherwise your suspicious behavior might raise the interest of Homeland Security.
Paul Benavides of Mambi Watch Gets Hysterical After Being Unmasked
After recently being unmasked, former anonymous Mambi Watch blogger Paul Benavides, a 27-year-old Peruvian immigrant, responded with a hysterical e-mail bordering on paranoia and containing a veiled threat:
"Paul Benavides paulbenavides78@hotmail.com
Sep 24, 2007
Mr. De la Cova,
Please explain why you believe you have the right to publish my personal history, especially one that was provided by a personal e-mail exchange. If you do not respond I will certainly call you soon, and even seek other options (such as through Indiana University) to get an answer. Your actions are very shocking and surely unethical. I hope to hear from you soon.”
His mental stability is obviously questionable. Benavides is an undergraduate student who craves attention and has sent letters to the editor of the FIU newspaper.
Therefore, public figures have no right to privacy under the law.
His Mambi Watch blog that daily monitors the Cuban exile TV, radio, and print media, operates in a manner similar to that of Cuban spies, according to evidence in the Federal trial of the Avispa espionage network in Miami. Benavides has not dispelled suspicions that he could be linked to Cuban intelligence or that others are not behind this assiduous monitoring effort. He continues to blog anonymously, after being exposed and permanently identified on the Internet, raising questions about who or what drives this operation.
Now that Benavides has admitted his identity and his address and phone number are known, I will not respond further to his obsessive compulsive behavior. He is now on notice that any further telephone calls, e-mails, or communication from him to me or those I work for will be reported to the authorities as a stalker complaint.
Se puede decir más alto pero no más claro.
El embajador de Uribe en la OEA puso los puntos sobre las ies perfectamente. Llamo a las cosas por su nombre. Los de las FARC son terroristas y narcotraficantes, y esta es la verdad. Hay ordenes de captura sobre Reyes por la Interpol y otras agencias internacionales y .
Correa fue descubierto ayudando a las FARC en territortio de Ecuador y por eso formo esta algarabia y show mediatico para querer tomar protagonismo. Chavez tambien fue descubierto con las manos en la masa ayudando a los terroristas lo cual es una violacion de una resolucion de la ONU que condena a aquellos que ayudan a terroristas . Aunque Colombia no cruzo la frontera de Venezuela, el se metio de lleno en el asunto para armar la bronca con Colombia. Quiere intimidar a Colombia con el movimiento de tropas a su fronteras.
El Cagalitroso en Jefe describe como genocidio la muerte de el terrorista Reyes. Entonces, que se le puede llamar al hundimiento de mujeres y niños por sus fuerzas armadas en las costas de la Habana? Eso si fue genocidio y un asesinato y todo el mundo lo sabe. Quiere hacer pasar gato por liebre como siempre.
Recorcholis, profe, parece que el cholo picante esta enamorado de usted.
Hey Yabazon,
Why didn't you ILLEGALLY reprint my e-mail in full? I noticed there's one part you omitted. A very important part too. I'll be posting it on my own blog soon.
I also noticed that your two websites are registered with Enom using OLD information from the University of Indiana. You no longer work there, so why use their e-mail, fax and address to register a domain name?
Why do you tell people that you don't hide your own past, when your own website omits any mention of Gary Latham and Jesus Blas Corbo?
Several articles were written about them in May of 1976. But, they don't appear on your website.
Many questions for Yabazon to answer.
Here's a comment to Los Miquis and readers,
Mr. De la Cova and I had a private e-mail exchange which Mr. De la Cova later exploited for his own ends.
By publishing my private response on the internet WITHOUT my permission, Mr. De la Cova has violated the most basic of ethical principles, and has left himself (again) open to public scrutiny.
US common law protects EVERYBODY'S right to privacy in their e-mail through the Right of First Publication. Mr. De la Cova seems to have no understanding of this basic right, whose origins lie in the privacy protection granted to our private letters.
I am not a "public figure" as Mr. De la Cova suggests, but rather a private person like the majority of people who write to their local newspaper editor or blog or comment under anonymity.
Mr. De la Cova himself has used the pseudonym "Yabazon" and I'm sure he has a good reason why has done so.
The material being posted above by Mr. De la Cova violates common law rights to privacy, and I ask Los Miquis to remove that material unless they can justify keeping it on their comments sections.
These are ethical dilemmas that we must confront.
if you fall in love with each other, we do not need to know that...
Yo lo unico que quiero es que los miquis sigan posteando que ya sabemos que los colombianos hicieron bien en acabar con el terrorista de la foto y que hay un arroz con mango epistolar...
miquis, como decia la cancion: "tu me acostumbraste, a todos esos posts..."
BTW, si uds. estudiaban la carrera en 1986, entonces son mas jovenes que yo? Es que ahora todo el mundo es mas joven que yo?
Es evidente que Paul Benavides es un acomplejado con los cubanos exiliados. Seguro que tuvo que ayudar a su madre a limpiar las casas de los cubanos y ayudar a su padre en el jardin. Pobrecito. Parece que no lo admitieron en graduate school en FIU y por eso sigue de undergraduate. Que frustracion. Gracias por la informacion.
Mqui Marulanda esta escondido en Venezuela protegido por el ejercito de Chavez , tu crees que Uribe lo coja en payamas
no, no.no, no, no, tan rapido dice chavez
NO se podía esperar otra cosa de Fidel Castro. En cuanto al terrorista narco muerto, pues bastantes muertes de colombianos de clase trabajadora y campesinos tenía a su haber. Secuestros, dinamitar rehenes con "collares", violación, asesinatos de los hijos de las mujeres que los acompañan. Esclavas sexuales etc. Y ahora Chávez le rinde un homenaje. Y quiere guerra. Si hubiera sido al revés, si fuesen terroristas venezolanos en suelo colombiano, hace rato que Chávez habría invadido a Colombia.
En otro tema, que obsesión de este de la Cova con el otro tipo. ¡Es una enfermedad!
Que dicen? Un profesor de historia contra un Blogger? Ha! Que verguenza para De la Cova.
Soy solamente un blogger que le pico duro al profesor "Yabazon."
¿Cuántos libros ha publicado el cholo peruano? Tremendo envidioso acomplejado. Jardinero, a tu jardín.
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